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The ABCs of Death

Written by and Starring Various Artists

Running time 124 minutes



With a sequel set to be releasing any day now, I’m sure most have heard of this anthology film, but just in case you haven’t let me give a bit of background. ABCs of Death is an anthology film that literally gives each letter of the English Alphabet its own mini movie. Each letter is directed, written and stars a different set of talent, and the talent pool covers at least 15 various countries, making it quite a feat of ideas, linguistics and styles. Each letter was given the same opportunity as far as backing, so it’s very cool to see what the individual Directors were able to do when all given the same parameters to work within. The mini movies themselves run the gambit from live action, traditional animation to stop animation, making for some really interesting pieces. Being that they are from all the world you will find many of the pieces are subtitled, personally I have never had an issue with subtitles, in fact I rather enjoy them but hey that’s the geek in me.


ABCs of Death worked really well for me. I admit some pieces are much stronger than others, but as a whole I find it to be an extremely interesting statement, well worth taking the time to watch. There were a couple standouts for me such as D is for Dogfight, L is for Libido, X is for XXL, but that in no means was all of them. Those in particular struck chords in me or were uncomfortable to watch for one reason or another, which says much as I don’t easily get uncomfortable from a movie, let alone one that is less than 20 minutes long! Don’t get me wrong though that also doesn't mean every film included is a micro blockbuster, some aren't. There are a few that seemed to lack creativity or just seemed almost lazy, and a few were just downright silly and didn't match the rest of the film at all. All in all the wide variances of perspectives, and styles showcased in this anthology make it one of the more interesting films I've seen in a while. It’s a great way to become familiar with some really talented Directors you may never have had the opportunity to see before, and as fans that’s huge in itself. So if you're looking for something unlike anything else you will find out right now definitely look this one up and get comfy it’s a longer ride than most but the journey is a good one!


Don’t forget to watch for ABCs of Death 2 which is set for release this year and has names like The Soska Sisters, Vincenzo Natali, Alexandre Bustillo, Dennison Ramalho, and Alex de la Iglesia to mention just a few! It is sure to have something to appeal to the freak in all of us!



ABC's of Death

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