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By. Terry M. West


I don’t know when it began or how it started but I've personally been reviewing movies Mr. West was either in or directed as well as numerous grisly little yummy tales of depravity and fear. Throw in a pair of dimwitted Texas rednecks and you have what appears to be a fan favorite over night; the CECIL AND BUBBA escapades. Next up for your reading eyegasm is CECIL AND BUBBA MEET THE THANG.


We were first introduced to these fellers in his short story collection WHAT PRICE GORY in the tale CECIL AND BUBBUA MEET A SUCCUBUS ( A SUCK-A-BUS, If you will). Now it would seem the one and only succubus Hattie Mae is back and her curse was lifted when they burnt down the farm. She wants to repay them for freeing her and informs them that the curse that lingers around them is a strong one.


Given that the tale takes us into a direction of twists and turns and the difficult task of fusing horror with humor atop a Sci fi esque vibe. This is a tale that the one and only Mr. Bradbury would be impressed with. Many a many times I kept telling myself that this could easily be read form an Issac Asimov s Sci-Fi quarterly. As to not completely jizz all over this tale and begin to ramble on killing my cool factor I'll just leave it at the fact that once you begin reading this you can’t put it down. It’s got so many elements herein to appease so many readers. Hell it’s even got some seriously sappy shit going on inside. So lets recap shall we...horror, sci-fi and emotions to the extreme as well as violent tendencies.


Terry M. West has done it again folks. CECIL AND BUBBA MEET THE THANG does it up big, folks. From decapitated heads talking about phantom jerking a limb to comments such as "maybe he'll phone home" to possessions everything is bigger in TEXAS. West goes all out in this one and offers one of the coolest yet creepiest tales pertaining to this genre since FIRE IN THE SKY. The tension set forth is phenomenal as you're all over the place emotionally.


I’m going to leave it at that and just say that no matter what each and every offering that West does from here on out is better then the last. He is a God amongst men; easily one of the best in the field.


also be sure to check out his other works..Here are some of our thoughts on those. Be ready, CECIL AND BUBBA MEET THE THANG drops March 21st.


What Price Gory





^v^ NECRoSTEIN ^v^

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