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Dir. Roze

 Three buddies ,the tough, no-nonsense Julian and his more laid-back friend John as well as the rookie friend Pail tags along  to embark on a no-frills expedition into the deep Arizona wilderness.  Julian and John are a couple of veteran campers who have done this before so they head out with nothing but water their backpacks and a knife . However, things go horribly awry after John gets seriously wounded and the subsequent pressure causes Julian to degenerate into a ferocious primal state.
As Paul tries to save his fallen buddy Julian looses his shiot and goes on his own little vision quest, if you will. A vison quest of horrific visions and emotions. As the two run around the Arizona wilderness DEADFALL TRAIL keeps you on the edge of your seat anticipating the next move.

Playing out in full survival mode DEADFALL TRAIL isn't your typical horror movie per se but more along the lines of a psycholigical thriller from odd images. From the tension toe the peeking around the corner anticipating whats around the tree DEADFALL TRAIL delivers the goods and is very well directed with each and every actor lending their hand at making this a very enjoyable movie. I've seen this a couple of times alrerady and will be watching it again in the future. I suggest going out and oicking this up for a night of popcorn cinema and colas with the buds.

^V^ necrOborg ^V^

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