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Takashi Miike


The man has done it again! It's no surprise to anyone whose seen his films that Japanese great, Takashi Mike knows how to scare you , gross you out and straight up tell a solid tale all in one film. He's notorious for exceeding the bar in the shock department withoiut going overboard. DETECTIVE STORY  is such a tale. Here's how this little gem breaks down.Raita, a Japanese businessman, just moved into an apartment building where his next-door neighbor is another guy named Raita. But as a private detective, what that other Raita does couldn't be more different from a humble businessman's way of life. One night, in the beginning of a bizarre series of murders, one of the private detective's clients is killed and has her liver removed. The next victim has her kidneys removed, and the third her lungs. The two Raitas follow the clues and meet an eccentric painter, one whose paints are rumored to be made with human blood and organs...


DETECTIVE STORY is laden full with plenty of blood , gore and maggots, but atop of that there is one hell of a good detective story, accompanied with just the right dash of comedy. Let me just make note that this isn't your typical AUDITION  or ICHI THE KILLER yet it does have the cahones that any Miike film would and plain and simply creeps you the eff out.The ending is eerily surreal and gets pretty gory with fingers getting chopped off and a nicely bloody brutal stabbing.


All in all DETECTIVE STORY is a solid film and well worth the watch. The man never ceases to appease. This is definitely a film you need to see!


Be sure to head over to THE MOVIE & MUSIC NETWORK to view this film for free courtesy of THE MOVIE & MUSIC NETWORK


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