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Dir. Kian Kaul
Victims: Bethany Davis, Chantel Hediger and Angela Berliner

Can you imagine living forever and never getting sick? You would watch everyone around you die and after a prolonged amount of time one would think that you would just get freaking bored to the point of cabin fever.This is such the case for Shane. You see Shane is a vampire and she's become bored with her meaningless life as you know it. So Shane and her counterpart Raquel check themselves into a rundown hotel in hope of just starving to death.Tired of the monotonous lifestyle they just want to die and hope of achieving that on this outing.

However things dont go as planned as Raquel brings a plaything ionto the fold. Someone who has lost their way and doesn't care whether they die or not.As Shane shows her disapproval of the happenings things between her and Raquel escalade out of control and the true emotions are spilled

FLESH is portrayed very well thanks to a spectacular acting performance by Bethany Davis and Chantel Hediger and  creates a tensful emotion. The audio is off in a few spots which made it hard to imagine them in a hotel room but merely a warehouse studio. Minimal audio deficiencies aside director Kaul's utilization of widescreen screen capturing the essence of low budget perfectness. With a measley budget FLESH manages to work from beginning to end.FLESH is a nice reminder of just what you can achieve  given the effort.

^v^ necrOborg ^v^

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