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I remember my first day of High School. I remember being deathly terrified to go. In the town and time I grew up in it was a known fact that when you became a Freshman it was your time. Time to be made a fool. Kids would get snatched up out of the hallways and drug into the bathrooms only to be stuck in trashcans or even the toilet. We've all heard about hazing or gone through it ourselves so let me tell you when i finished reading GRUFF123 I did several fist pumps and was like" take that db"


GRUFF123 tells the tale of how during the weekends the students would all congregate to this online chat room and discuss anything they wanted about school..trash teachers, talk about what Mary was wearing, stuff such as that. Then one day the school bully discovers the forum and signs up and immediately begins to cyber bully his classmates. As some time goes by an ominous user by the name of GRUFF123 joins without anyone really paying any attention and begins to fire back against the bully. This sends him on an outrage and is determined to discover the horrifying truth behind the anonymous individual who humiliated him online. A task he will surely regret and one he'd never dreamed could ever happen.


GRUFF123 is such a damn fine tale that hits home and makes you feel happy that someone stands for the righs of all those bullied. The presence and theme penned by D.S. Ullery is flawless done making you gain a true sense of emotion of the situations as they unfold. There's more then enough horrific situations to keep you high It's just a brilliant tale from beginning to end. I found nothing wrong or that I didn't like about this.This is without a doubt, one fo the coolest stories I've read so far this year. I WILL , and am, be reading more from D.S. Ullery.


Be sure and go to his authors page to keep up with current releases


D.S. Ullery



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