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Dir. Izzy Lee



LEGITIMATE is a heroin paced short little piece of hell running just a little over 5 minutes. The story plays out as so. A shady politician decides to hit up the local strip club one night, sets down and waits for his lapdance to arrive. He's approached by his date in question who then commences to do a nasty little bondage dance meticuously unravelling herself as he helps. She then returns with two other women, one in what looks like a clear Guy Fawkes mask played by director Izzy Lee. He then wakes up layng in an alley with splotches of blood on his shirt. It's then he vaguely remembers the nights endeavors with gruesome results.Director IZZY LEE definately has a great mind and an excellent vision.


LEGITIMATE gives nothing away till the very climax of the short. The Cinematography was beautiful and the soundtrack added that special touch. One could almost argue that this olays out like a music video but I'd beg to differ. i feel like a brilliant piece of cinema was a cross between a turbo charged music video meets film and it fuses perfectly making it a very nifty little short. Lee opens the film with a quote from a douchebag politician that states as follows. "If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down". Nice huh? watch LEGITIMATE, it'll make you feel better about that statement.


^v^ NECRoSTEIN ^v^



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