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Directed and written by Gordon Price
Starring Dave Meadows, Frank Bliss, Gordon Price,
Diane Sokolowich,  Apryl Crowell, Brian Hersey, Kera
O'Byron, Ryanne Lynch and Jeff Moore

Every so often a flick will fall into my lap and make mne fall in love with independent films all over again. MUSIC STORE MASSACRE is just such a film. Fed up with the evils of today's society, Reverend Smith has a remedy for it. See how he deals with murderers, rapists, white supremacists, child pornography, crooked lawyers, drug dealers, gang bangers, prejudice and the over all ills of our society. Take a ride through Reverend Smith's vengeful mind, where no one is safe and all are judged in "Music Store Massacre"

Remenisce of the the 90s Twilight Zone episode "Harse Mistress" MUSIC STORE MASSACRE revolves around this H.R. Geiger esque electric guitar driven by human blood. Whoever picks up the guitar cabn suddenly shred ala Pick of Destiny. As they play the guitar it makes them go crazy and jab clarinets through the back of people heads or just straight up put beatdowns on people.

Riding out like a heroin fuled punk apocalypse MUSIC STORE MASSACRE falls int to legendary category of dope punkish movies such as ATTACK OF THE COCKFACE KILLER and PUNK ROCK HOLOCAUST.  At first peep one would believe these people to be the biggest piece of shit racists on the planet but then it becomes clear that there is an underlining moral in place.

All in all MUSIC STORE MASSACRE has all the elements and is just plain done the way the director intended, that much is evident. Price has a good grasp on what works and what doesn't. I did find a few flaws such as at some points the sound just didn't sound quite right and there were minimal constency issues such as the scene where the male cop leaves the guitar and female officer in his office while he goes to check out a lead. When heleaves the guitar is on a stand but when she sets down at his desk the guitar is laying on his desk. Otherwise MUSIC STORE MASSACRE is a keeper people. It's bloody nasty and just outright fun as hell! I suggest picking this up when it's available


^v^ NECRoBORG ^v^


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