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Directed and created by Shane Ryan

Starring Katie Marsh, Demi Baumann, Kaliya Skye, Alex Damiano, Teona Dolnikova, Joseph Marsh, Sean Cain, Domiziano Arcangeli


Inspired by true events, MY NAME IS A BY ANONYMOUS was shot shortly after the events of a nine year old girl’s disappearance who was later found murdered. The movie exploits the events leading up to the death of the girl, why did it happen? Was it her broken 15 year old neighbor Alyssa Bustamante? What lies beneath? Was the parenting of the young perpetrators to blame or was it their need to be seen. Are they even an invention of the imagination and not real?


I honestly don’t know where to begin. In all of my years of movie viewing I have yet to run across any that literally made me have a shortness of breath and feel like utter shit afterwards. The depression set forth through the stories told throughout this beautifully crafted film will make you literally step outside the box and look around at your own life. Doesn’t seem so bad after watching this, does it? I must note that this film is not for the weak of hearted of your average movie goer. As a matter of fact, I’d rather someone find my stash of porn rather than this movie. On that note I truly wish everyone could watch this film once, if merely for the subject set forth perfectly by director Shane Ryan and ALL, and I mean all, of the cast involved. They were perfect in every way. Very seldom do you see a movie, much less an indie one have a full set of excellent actors. That is a very impressive feet. That being said we return why this film is perceived as so taboo and highly underappreciated.


Herein this film we explore the angst and fear from todays jilted generation in the various factions. Were introduced to Alyssa and her friend sitting in a bathtub taking turns running a knife over the others arms and wearing black make up in some ways resembling that of a juggallette to a young girls  angst whom is repeatedly rape by her father and runs around the movie fighting her Bulimia and vomiting into mason jars. You have another aspiring, anything other then what she has, young woman in an abusive scenario that sets around smearing make-up on her face and writes poems or sings. It’s quite depressing I may add. This film has it all, atop the aforementioned and throw in bullying and depression and what you have in MY NAME IS A BY ANONYMOUS is a beautiful cult classic. A film that perfectly fuses art-house cinema with horror better than anyone I have ever seen. I can’t even begin to express just how visually gratifying it is to watch this film. True it is very hard for me to watch as it’s so surrealistic you literally begin to think about someone you may know that this is occurring to. 


I’ll stop rambling now. Just know that this film is a beautiful creation. If you’re a fan of Larry Clark, Hormony Korine or Gus Van Zandt then you’ll enjoy this film. MY NAME IS A BY ANONYMOUS is right on par with the aforementioned. Shane Ryan takes real life atrocities and politely puts them in front of your face. As a human you can put the blinders on but you can’t hide from it forever. These problems do exist and will continue to do so until we just stop and listen. From what I understand this movie has been gaining much support from the horror community and not the art house community. I feel that this may have attributed to the fact that over 300 different venues have hailed it as magnificent yet can get no coverage or respect from the distribution companies. This may be because the corporate douches are afraid of real life thematic. Watch this movie. It’ll make you a better person


^v^ NECRoSTEIN ^v^



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