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Directed by Rolfe Kanesky


From After Dark Horrorfests’ (8 films to die for) comes the tale of  Nightmare Man.

A group of friends take a trip to a cabin in the woods in preparations for their friends wedding. As they wind the tiresome day to an end they begin an erotic game of truth or dare. Amidst these escapades a William is taking his wife Helen to see a doctor about her dreams, more specific “the nightmare man”. Once they have car troubles and have to park on the side of a deserted road things begin to happen that make you, the viewer wander if it’s actually happening to her or if she really is crazy. As the husband goes for help Helen runs off towards the cabin for help thus setting up what will be known here on out as THE NIGHTMARE MAN! Is he real? Or is he only in our nightmares???


NIGHTMARE MAN was a pretty cool movie overall. The plot was executed nicely and the acting lead by the lovely Tiffany Shepis was good for the most part but I must make note about the lighting of the film. There were several scenes that were just way too dark to comprehend and truly grasp what was going on. As previously stated Sheips was above and beyond phenomenal status. I’ve seen her in numerous films to date and she just gets better with each film, and Nightmare Man is no exception. But overall I was entertained by the film, and that’s the underlying objective right? Director Rolfe Kanesky is no stranger to the horror genre and you can tell. Check it out. This man knows his horror.


^v^ NECRoSTEIN ^v^


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