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One night a woman receives a phone call from her son asking for money. Feeling that he's always spending it on dumb things she refuses to give money to him, despite of his continuous pressure. One night she decides to relax and forget her troubles with her favorite pastime: making puzzles. However, this simple table game hides strange features that can turn her peaceful night into a nightmare. A nightmare she could have never dreamed of.


First off this is only about 5 minutes with the credits rolling but in just that small window director Melini knows how to handle a camera and is able to hold your attention for as long as need be. THE PUZZLE truly is a remarkable film if you get down to brass taxes. In just 5 minutes he's managed to set up a very dark tale thanks to some crafty angles and perfect use of envrionmental elements and hues. Done on a way smaller budget than THE SWEET HAND OF THE WHITE ROSE (which is a great fim in it's own) THE PUZZLE manages to play out very well. I will say however I would have liked to see more, otherwise, kudos Davide Melin. Nice job


^v^ NECRoSTEIN  ^v^

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