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Dir. Dustin Dougas Scheutter

In a quiet southern town several lives are turned upside down when an isolated youth (Samuel)mute with a dark secret is admitted to a psychiatric ward. He's the son of a vitenam vet who writes his story in his journal.

Samuel Bleak is just that; eerily bleak. It's a roller coaster of emotions ranging from hate to love....All from one persons performance.When you can have one singular person sell a film thats one hell of an accomplishment. That being said, try being that actor delivering that performance AND direct it! Dustin Dougas Scheutter delivers a very believable effort.

The movie truly is depressing as shit. It's done well and is an extremely cool film but still depressing. Which i think is just the point. You can go into this in many different ways but i promise you when you're done, you'll be severely depressed. Watch this and decide for yourself. I thought it to be higly nifty.


^v^ NECRoBORG ^v^

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