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Directed by Lucky McKee

Starring Angela Bettis


I've been a McKee fan for quite sometime now but I must regretfully say that his outing that is Sick Girl , for the Masters of Horror TV series , is his worst film to date. Now don't get me wrong. The cinematic angles and lighting were phenomenal but the story itself was outright worthless!


Angela Bettis' portrayal of shy and lesbian etymologist Ida Teeter of The McNaughton Museum of Natural History was my biggest gripe about this film. Generally a superb actress her acting in this film just sucks. It seemed to me that she was going for a female version of Forest Gump but bombed overly. The story itself is pretty freakin sweet.but I feel her acting in this one was its downfall.. She collects "pets" as she calls them but there nothing more then your average every day insect. When she meets Misty, played by the lovely Misty Mundae, she quickly falls in love with the one who will accept her so called pet choices. Receiving a dangerous species form a doctor overseas she still moves Misty into her pad. Well the bug escapes and embeds itself into their bed pillow. While Ida is at work Misty relaxes on the bed. On that fateful nite the bug does what its known to do , which is penetrate the beginning of many of Mistys' orifices laying its spawn. Once you get to this point it pretty much just dies off from there.


There's really nothing more that I want to waste my time saying about this film other then its crap and I'm amazed McKee did something as shitty as this!




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