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Dir Jim Mickle


We are what we are.....That is one of the absolute best sayings that I've ever heard!!! We are What We are....I'm in complete awe after viewing this beautiful piece of imagery.


The direction set forth by Mickle is fantastic. He obviously sets the tone to create a damn masterpiece and doesn't give up until he succeeds. I could just go on and on about the things that made me wide eyed the entire viewing of this film. Sure it starts out slow but just hold onto your horses as when it kicks off , it kicks off! WE ARE WHAT WE ARE has every single aspect of film making 101 here folks. We have a flawless tale told through a cryptic visionary escapades that feel like a glorious night of multiple orgasms. This film is without a doubt one of the best 2 hours I have ever spent.


The mystery that makes up WE ARE WHAT WE ARE is the aspect of a wholesome and benevolent family that is set before our viewing pleasures. The Parkers have always kept to themselves, and for good reason. Behind closed doors, the father of the family Frank rules his family with an iron fist, determined to keep his ancestral customs intact at any cost. Now this does cause a bad situation for him as the mother dies and the daughters Iris and Rose are forced to assume responsibilities that extend beyond those of a typical family. As the unrelenting downpour continues to flood their small town, the local authorities begin to uncover clues that bring them closer to the secret that the Parkers have held closely for so many years.


WE ARE WHAT WE ARE was easily one of the most refreshing movies I've watched in several years. The bleak dialogue was acted upon without flaw by all involved in the acting department and the eeriness set forth is phenomenal. I gained a serious sense of sorrow for the young girls. Having to eat people because daddy told them to. WE ARE WHAT WE ARE plays out a lot much like FRAILTY but takes on a different path and entertains you to the fullest the entire length of the movie. As stated this film plays out at a solemn pace and takes a bit to get going but when it does it never looks back. The end of this movie, even to date, still makes me think. Often times in life we get what we wish for and sometimes it's best to just accept that blood is the strongest bond. `and we are what we are.....


^v^ NECRoSTEIN ^v^

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