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DIR. Benedek Fliegauf


As a Doctor Who fan, I had become an 11th DR. fanatic. So I looked up more of what Matt Smith has done. I found a few things here and there but then I came along a film called "Womb"( Now been changed to "Clone" for reasons unknown) The description said it was a Sci-Fi film so I thought I'd give it a go. The beginning is a beautiful love story between two little kids, Rebecca and Tommy. They relate to one another and even share their first innocent kiss. They go on to make huge promises to always be together so when Rebecca's family decides to move away, you can imagine how heart breaking this was for the children. They had a plan set to have Tommy go with her but when plans don't go right, they end up split up and torn apart for years and years. . Towards the middle of the film Rebecca, who never forgot Tommy, went to go find him in her old neighborhood as an adult. At this time in his life, 

Tommy is a political activist fighting against the biotech corporations, who plan to open a new natural park populated by animals artificially created by cloning. 

 Her and Tommy fall wildly in love all over again quickly and it pulls at your heart strings. Then the plot twists. A freak accident happens and Tommy is killed. His parents say there is an experimental way to take his DNA  and impregnate a Woman and he would be born all over again from scratch. So to the parents dismay, Rebecca offers to do this. The film gets really controversial at this point as Rebecca gives birth to Tommy and raises him. But throughout his childhood she doesn't look at him as a child, she looks at him with love and lust.

There are even some "cringe" worthy parts, like for example, they are having a tickle fight innocently when Tommy pins her down and in his 8 year old voice says "I can do anything I want to you right now" Or when shes bathing him and is staring at his nether region far too long with the kid's bare ass in the audiences face. As he grows up into a man he starts to wonder who his real parents were, as he was told he was adopted. He also starts wondering why his Mother seems to be jealous when he gets a girl friend and throws tantrums. This films story and originality in my opinion are excellent. Very Indie and very gritty, the sex scenes are very real and some would say disturbing. Although not horror it is a dark sci-fi film you should see! I give it 5 stars.







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