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JULY 2014


July's Author spotlight is Terry M. West. Here you will find his submission of a flash fiction piece as well as an interview and reviews of some of his works. He's currently in the process of releasing an anthology consisting a ton of established writers in the industry called JOURNALS OF FOUND FICTION to be published by PLEASANT STORM ENTERTAINMENT.

I had my first encounter Several years ago whilst reviewing a little film her directed called FLESH FOR THE BEAST and from that point on fell in love with his style. Over the years I became more and more acquainted with him and became possessed trying to locate each and everything he was a part of including the Seduction Cinema works. Later on when he began focusing more on writing he began to send me his musings and it went from there. I feel due to him trusting my judgement enough to send me his works per critique that it only seems fitting that he be the one to help us launch our authors spotlight section. So without further ado please enjoy his little piece of flash fiction (only seen HERE as of now)




please enjoy, click the links and enjoy the story

The mind of a madman : a VISIT WITH TERRY M WEST

Necrostein- What is your favorite project be it film or novel?


Terry M. West - of mine? What Price Gory the collection. Otherwise ,Night of the Living Dead as a favorite film and I am Legend as a favorite book.


Necro Stein -Of What Price Gory, which is your favorite story? why?


Terry M. West - I think the title story, What Price Gory. I feel it is the best written and original of my work. I also feel it speaks to people who write this stuff.


Necro Stein - Very nice..I can see that


Necrostein - I've seen you make comments before in the past claiming you enjoy writing more then directing. any specific reason behind that?


Terry M. West - Directing was a thankless pain in the ass for me, and I was never comfortable with my vision at the end. I feel I am a much better writer because I have complete control over the landscape. I don't rely on anyone but me and I can convey things that might not translate on the screen. I am not trying to pull what I want out of someone else. It's there, as I fully intended.Necro Stein - Makes sense. I've noticed that in the years I've been doing this.


Necrostein - when did you get into this industry? and what encouraged you to do so


Terry M. West - I got in when I was in my twenties. I was submitting to magazines like Twilight Zone and Horror Show in my late teens. I was a rabid fan, and it was what I wanted to do.

Reviews for Wests' endeavors

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