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TEXAS TERROR ENTERTAINMENT was lucky enough to catch Texas author Tim Miller and pick his brain over some of his musings ans the indie horror flick that he plays a killer in . here's what he shed on us...enjoy and please be sure to check out my reviews for  HELL, TEXAS , DARK EXORCIST and FAMILY NIGHT

Necrostein - please tell the readers who you are and where you're from please


Tim Miller - I'm Tim Miller. I'm from Indiana, but have lived in San Antonio for almost five years.


Necrostein - when and how did you first get into writing?


Tim Miller- I've been writing since I was a kid. I really can't remember a time when I wasn't writing. Even in jr. high I would type short stories on the typewriter at the library.


Necrostein - was there anything that influenced you into doing so?


Tim Miller - I can't really think of any influence. It was one of the few things i was good at. Not just good, but even in first grade, I'd get more praise for my stories than anything else.


Necrostein - Of Dark Exorcist, Hell Texas and Family Night. which one is your favorite?


Tim Miller - I enjoyed writing them all. Hell, Texas was probably the most fun to write.






















Necrostein - Which one was the most difficult to write?


Tim Miller - Dark Exorcist was the hardest. I had to do more research on the Catholic Church, hospitals, demon possession and exorcism so the characters and events would be as authentic as possible.Necrostein - Do you have any plans on trying to push any of these as films?


Tim Miller - I've already adapted Dark Exorcist as a screenplay, but haven't found a film deal for it yet. I think Family Night would be the scariest and be the easiest to shoot out of all of them. But all that is kind of on the shelf at the moment.


Necrostein - Whats on the burner as we speak?


Tim Miller - I've already adapted Dark Exorcist as a screenplay, but haven't found a film deal for it yet. I think Family Night would be the scariest and be the easiest to shoot out of all of them. But all that is kind of on the shelf at the moment.


Necrostein - How much do horror movies influence your writing?


Tim Miller - Horror films and books have lots of influence on my writing. There are many times I'll see a cool killing in a film or something and think "that would be cool." But I try to put my own spin on it.


Necrostein - Who's your favorite author?


Tim Miller - I don't really have one favorite. I love Edward Lee, Bryan Smith, Jack Ketchum and David Wellington


Necrostein - What's the scoop on this film you're going to be in. can you give us any details on it?


Tim Miller- So the film I'm going to be in, it's either called The Keeper or Keeper's Lair or something like that. They're just working titles at the moment. It's a traditional slasher film. The director, Dan Lopez wants to revive the slasher genre with some balls.So the Keeper is called that because he is a groundskeeper at a cemetery. A group of kids show up one night to party in his sacred cemetery so he kills them all in horrible ways.I will be playing The Keeper.


Necrostein - How were you approached to be in "??" ?.


Tim Miller - I wasn't approached, I actually saw the casting call on Craigslist. He said he needed a guy at least 6'0 or taller with a large build. I'm around 6'1 and even taller with my boots on, and have a large build. So I sent him pics of myself and some pics of me in this cosplay slasher outfit I wore for Halloween and at some horror cons around October. He thought I looked perfect for the part and it was mine.I couldn't pass it up. I met Gunnar Hansen last October at a Horror con and read his book, "Chainsaw Confidential." So even though acting had never really been my thing, playing a role like that was always a dream of mine so I couldn't pass this up.


Necrostein - Very cool.... What style would you like to tackle that you haven't yet


Tim Miller - I don't know. I really enjoy doing horror so I just go into whatever story ideas come to me.


Necrostein - Have you ever considered doing YA?


Tim Miller - I do have one YA book, Blood Slayer. It's about an autistic teenage girl who becomes a vampire slayer.


There ya have it folks. Now please be sure and visit him on and pick up his books. support the indie scene!!!!



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